What are Macronutrients?
Macronutrients, a.k.a. macros, simply refer to 3 main categories of calorie sources: Proteins, Fats, and Carbs. Every food you eat contains some combination of these three macros. Each is needed for a healthy body, but depending on your fitness goals you should aim for a specific ratio in your daily food consumption.
Calories are Macros
The total number of calories in a food is a sum of the 3 macros. The 3 macros contribute differently to calorie count:
1g fat = 9 calories
1g carb = 4 calories
1g protein = 4 calories.
This is why fats are often seen as a dietary evil, because they contain more calories. For example, a snack with 10g fats, 10g carbs, and 10g protein will have 170 calories. However, more than half of these calories are from fat. While dietary fat is good for you and eating fat does NOT make you fat, high fat snacks can easily contribute to a caloric surplus. With the exception of certain medications or health conditions, a chronic caloric surplus is what makes you fat.